@watsonb8/homebridge-hue-chase (1.1.5-b9892.0)

Published 2024-06-06 00:56:10 +00:00 by watsonb8


npm install @watsonb8/homebridge-hue-chase@1.1.5-b9892.0
"@watsonb8/homebridge-hue-chase": "1.1.5-b9892.0"

About this package


Homebridge-hue-chase is a good way to add a little spice to your home lighting set up. This simple plugin will cycle the colors of any given hue lights.


  1. Clone the repository by running git clone ssh://git@thebword.ddns.net:3122/watsonb8/homebridge-hue-chase.git
  2. Run npm install to install required modules
  3. Run npm run build to build the module
  4. Run npm link or install globally to link this instance to your global homebridge instance

NOTE: Upon starting this plugin for the first time, you will be asked to press the sync button on your hue bridge


    "platform": "HueChase",
    "ipAddress": "example.com",
    "userName": "",
    "clientKey": "",
    "sequences": [
        "name": "Play Sequence",
        "transitionTime": 60000,
        "matchAllLights": false,
        "colors": ["#00e456", "#21adea", "#f14cfc", "#8c4cfc", "#e40098"],
        "lights": ["Play left", "Play right"]


  • ipAddress: The ipaddres or host name of the hue hub

  • userName: The userName to use when authenticating with the hue hub

NOTE: This will be visible in the console upon first run of the platform

  • clientKey: This clientKey to use when authenticating with the hue hub

NOTE: This will be visible in the console upon first run of the platform

  • sequences: A list of sequence objects


  • name: The name of the sequence. This will be the label of the enable switch

  • transitionTime: The amount of time in milliseconds it will take to transition from one color to the next

  • colors: A list hex colors

  • lights: The list of lights to use in the sequence



ID Version
@types/node ^13.1.2
@types/node-hue-api ^2.3.0
node-hue-api ^4.0.0

Development Dependencies

ID Version
homebridge ^0.4.53
typescript ^4.5.4


homebridge-plugin homebridge homekit hue phillips typescript
2024-06-06 00:56:10 +00:00
Brandon Watson
11 KiB
Assets (1)
Versions (31) View all
1.1.5-fa0f2.0 2024-06-06
1.1.5-0bf85.0 2024-06-06
1.1.5-4840a.0 2024-06-06
1.1.5-7e624.0 2024-06-06
1.1.5-b9892.0 2024-06-06