# RTSP-Stream A quick and dirty library to stream images or from a local RTSP stream ## Installation 1. Download FFMPEG 1. Clone library into a directory with `git clone ssh://git@thebword.ddns.net:3122/watsonb8/rtsp-stream.git` 1. Build library with `npm run build` 1. Install library into project with `npm install ` ## Sample ``` import { Rtsp } from "rtsp-stream/lib/rtsp" const rtsp = new Rtsp("rtsp://example_username:example_password@", { quality: 3, resolution: "1920x1080", codec: "libx264", }) rtsp.on("data", (data: Buffer) => { fs.writeFile("path_to_output/file.jpeg", data, 'base64', (err) => { if(err){ console.log(err) } }); }) ```