- ipAddress: The ip address of your phillips hue bridge
- userName: Automatically filled in by program
- clientKey: Automatically filled in by program
- latitude: Your latitude coordinate for the location of the lights that you would like to control (this is used to find the time of sunset in your location)
- longitude: Your longitude coordinate for the location of the lights that you would like to control (this is used to find the time of sunset in your location).
- lights: An array of light names registered with your hue bridge
- name: The name of the enable switch to appear in your HomeKit appear
- ceilingColorTemp: The upper range of color temperatures to start with. This will be the color temperature at the before of the sunset
- sunsetColorTemp: The middle range of color temperatures to use. This will be the color temperature during sunset
- floorColorTemp: The lower range of color temperatures to end with. This will be the color temperature at the end of sunset
- sunsetDuration: The total time of the sunset. Setting this to a longer period will lengthen or shorten the time between ceiling and floor color temperatures
- transition: The time in ms to transition from one color temperature to the next