2019-12-06 15:57:35 +02:00

138 lines
4.6 KiB

repository: dock.mau.dev/tulir/mautrix-whatsapp
tag: latest
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
nameOverride: ""
fullnameOverride: ""
# Specifies whether a service account should be created
create: true
# The name of the service account to use.
# If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
type: ClusterIP
port: 29318
resources: {}
# limits:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
nodeSelector: {}
tolerations: []
affinity: {}
# Postgres pod configs
enabled: true
postgresqlDatabase: mxwa
postgresqlPassword: SET TO RANDOM STRING
size: 2Gi
memory: 256Mi
cpu: 100m
# Homeserver details
# The address that this appservice can use to connect to the homeserver.
address: https://example.com
# The domain of the homeserver (for MXIDs, etc).
domain: example.com
# Application service host/registration related details
# Changing these values requires regeneration of the registration.
id: whatsapp
botUsername: whatsappbot
# Display name and avatar for bot. Set to "remove" to remove display name/avatar, leave empty
# to leave display name/avatar as-is.
botDisplayname: WhatsApp bridge bot
botAvatar: mxc://maunium.net/NeXNQarUbrlYBiPCpprYsRqr
# Authentication tokens for AS <-> HS communication.
# The keys below can be used to override the configs in the base config:
# https://github.com/tulir/mautrix-whatsapp/blob/master/example-config.yaml
# Note that the "appservice" and "homeserver" sections are above and slightly different than the base.
# Bridge config
# Localpart template of MXIDs for WhatsApp users.
# {{.}} is replaced with the phone number of the WhatsApp user.
username_template: whatsapp_{{.}}
# Number of chats to sync for new users.
initial_chat_sync_count: 10
# Number of old messages to fill when creating new portal rooms.
initial_history_fill_count: 20
# Maximum number of chats to sync when recovering from downtime.
# Set to -1 to sync all new chats during downtime.
recovery_chat_sync_limit: -1
# Whether or not to sync history when recovering from downtime.
recovery_history_backfill: true
# Maximum number of seconds since last message in chat to skip
# syncing the chat in any case. This setting will take priority
# over both recovery_chat_sync_limit and initial_chat_sync_count.
# Default is 3 days = 259200 seconds
sync_max_chat_age: 259200
# Whether or not to explicitly set the avatar and room name for private
# chat portal rooms. This can be useful if the previous field works fine,
# but causes room avatar/name bugs.
private_chat_portal_meta: true
# Allow invite permission for user. User can invite any bots to room with whatsapp
# users (private chat and groups)
allow_user_invite: true
# Permissions for using the bridge.
# Permitted values:
# relaybot - Talk through the relaybot (if enabled), no access otherwise
# user - Access to use the bridge to chat with a WhatsApp account.
# admin - User level and some additional administration tools
# Permitted keys:
# * - All Matrix users
# domain - All users on that homeserver
# mxid - Specific user
"*": relaybot
"example.com": user
"@admin:example.com": admin
# Whether or not relaybot support is enabled.
enabled: false
# The management room for the bot. This is where all status notifications are posted and
# in this room, you can use `!wa <command>` instead of `!wa relaybot <command>`. Omitting
# the command prefix completely like in user management rooms is not possible.
management: !foo:example.com
# List of users to invite to all created rooms that include the relaybot.
invites: []
# The formats to use when sending messages to WhatsApp via the relaybot.
m.text: "<b>{{ .Sender.Displayname }}</b>: {{ .Message }}"
m.notice: "<b>{{ .Sender.Displayname }}</b>: {{ .Message }}"
m.emote: "* <b>{{ .Sender.Displayname }}</b> {{ .Message }}"
m.file: "<b>{{ .Sender.Displayname }}</b> sent a file"
m.image: "<b>{{ .Sender.Displayname }}</b> sent an image"
m.audio: "<b>{{ .Sender.Displayname }}</b> sent an audio file"
m.video: "<b>{{ .Sender.Displayname }}</b> sent a video"
m.location: "<b>{{ .Sender.Displayname }}</b> sent a location"
timestamp_format: Jan _2, 2006 15:04:05
print_level: debug