We need to convert them to png, otherwise synapse has trouble thumbnailing them. Also the default webp decoder can't decode WhatsApp stickers, so we use the chai2010 decoder.
1378 lines
38 KiB
1378 lines
38 KiB
// mautrix-whatsapp - A Matrix-WhatsApp puppeting bridge.
// Copyright (C) 2019 Tulir Asokan
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package main
import (
waProto "github.com/Rhymen/go-whatsapp/binary/proto"
log "maunium.net/go/maulogger/v2"
func (bridge *Bridge) GetPortalByMXID(mxid types.MatrixRoomID) *Portal {
defer bridge.portalsLock.Unlock()
portal, ok := bridge.portalsByMXID[mxid]
if !ok {
return bridge.loadDBPortal(bridge.DB.Portal.GetByMXID(mxid), nil)
return portal
func (bridge *Bridge) GetPortalByJID(key database.PortalKey) *Portal {
defer bridge.portalsLock.Unlock()
portal, ok := bridge.portalsByJID[key]
if !ok {
return bridge.loadDBPortal(bridge.DB.Portal.GetByJID(key), &key)
return portal
func (bridge *Bridge) GetAllPortals() []*Portal {
return bridge.dbPortalsToPortals(bridge.DB.Portal.GetAll())
func (bridge *Bridge) GetAllPortalsByJID(jid types.WhatsAppID) []*Portal {
return bridge.dbPortalsToPortals(bridge.DB.Portal.GetAllByJID(jid))
func (bridge *Bridge) dbPortalsToPortals(dbPortals []*database.Portal) []*Portal {
defer bridge.portalsLock.Unlock()
output := make([]*Portal, len(dbPortals))
for index, dbPortal := range dbPortals {
if dbPortal == nil {
portal, ok := bridge.portalsByJID[dbPortal.Key]
if !ok {
portal = bridge.loadDBPortal(dbPortal, nil)
output[index] = portal
return output
func (bridge *Bridge) loadDBPortal(dbPortal *database.Portal, key *database.PortalKey) *Portal {
if dbPortal == nil {
if key == nil {
return nil
dbPortal = bridge.DB.Portal.New()
dbPortal.Key = *key
portal := bridge.NewPortal(dbPortal)
bridge.portalsByJID[portal.Key] = portal
if len(portal.MXID) > 0 {
bridge.portalsByMXID[portal.MXID] = portal
return portal
func (portal *Portal) GetUsers() []*User {
return nil
func (bridge *Bridge) NewPortal(dbPortal *database.Portal) *Portal {
portal := &Portal{
Portal: dbPortal,
bridge: bridge,
log: bridge.Log.Sub(fmt.Sprintf("Portal/%s", dbPortal.Key)),
recentlyHandled: [recentlyHandledLength]types.WhatsAppMessageID{},
messages: make(chan PortalMessage, 128),
go portal.handleMessageLoop()
return portal
const recentlyHandledLength = 100
type PortalMessage struct {
chat string
source *User
data interface{}
timestamp uint64
type Portal struct {
bridge *Bridge
log log.Logger
roomCreateLock sync.Mutex
recentlyHandled [recentlyHandledLength]types.WhatsAppMessageID
recentlyHandledLock sync.Mutex
recentlyHandledIndex uint8
backfillLock sync.Mutex
backfilling bool
lastMessageTs uint64
privateChatBackfillInvitePuppet func()
messages chan PortalMessage
isPrivate *bool
const MaxMessageAgeToCreatePortal = 5 * 60 // 5 minutes
func (portal *Portal) handleMessageLoop() {
for msg := range portal.messages {
if len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
if msg.timestamp+MaxMessageAgeToCreatePortal < uint64(time.Now().Unix()) {
portal.log.Debugln("Not creating portal room for incoming message as the message is too old.")
err := portal.CreateMatrixRoom(msg.source)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to create portal room:", err)
func (portal *Portal) handleMessage(msg PortalMessage) {
if len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
portal.log.Warnln("handleMessage called even though portal.MXID is empty")
switch data := msg.data.(type) {
case whatsapp.TextMessage:
portal.HandleTextMessage(msg.source, data)
case whatsapp.ImageMessage:
portal.HandleMediaMessage(msg.source, data.Download, data.Thumbnail, data.Info, data.Type, data.Caption, false)
case whatsapp.StickerMessage:
portal.HandleMediaMessage(msg.source, data.Download, data.Thumbnail, data.Info, data.Type, "", true)
case whatsapp.VideoMessage:
portal.HandleMediaMessage(msg.source, data.Download, data.Thumbnail, data.Info, data.Type, data.Caption, false)
case whatsapp.AudioMessage:
portal.HandleMediaMessage(msg.source, data.Download, nil, data.Info, data.Type, "", false)
case whatsapp.DocumentMessage:
portal.HandleMediaMessage(msg.source, data.Download, data.Thumbnail, data.Info, data.Type, data.Title, false)
case whatsappExt.MessageRevocation:
portal.HandleMessageRevoke(msg.source, data)
case FakeMessage:
portal.HandleFakeMessage(msg.source, data)
portal.log.Warnln("Unknown message type:", reflect.TypeOf(msg.data))
func (portal *Portal) isRecentlyHandled(id types.WhatsAppMessageID) bool {
start := portal.recentlyHandledIndex
for i := start; i != start; i = (i - 1) % recentlyHandledLength {
if portal.recentlyHandled[i] == id {
return true
return false
func (portal *Portal) isDuplicate(id types.WhatsAppMessageID) bool {
msg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByJID(portal.Key, id)
if msg != nil {
return true
return false
func init() {
func (portal *Portal) markHandled(source *User, message *waProto.WebMessageInfo, mxid types.MatrixEventID) {
msg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.New()
msg.Chat = portal.Key
msg.JID = message.GetKey().GetId()
msg.MXID = mxid
msg.Timestamp = message.GetMessageTimestamp()
if message.GetKey().GetFromMe() {
msg.Sender = source.JID
} else if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
msg.Sender = portal.Key.JID
} else {
msg.Sender = message.GetKey().GetParticipant()
if len(msg.Sender) == 0 {
msg.Sender = message.GetParticipant()
msg.Content = message.Message
index := portal.recentlyHandledIndex
portal.recentlyHandledIndex = (portal.recentlyHandledIndex + 1) % recentlyHandledLength
portal.recentlyHandled[index] = msg.JID
func (portal *Portal) startHandling(info whatsapp.MessageInfo) bool {
if portal.lastMessageTs > info.Timestamp+1 ||
portal.isRecentlyHandled(info.Id) ||
portal.isDuplicate(info.Id) {
return false
portal.lastMessageTs = info.Timestamp
return true
func (portal *Portal) finishHandling(source *User, message *waProto.WebMessageInfo, mxid types.MatrixEventID) {
portal.markHandled(source, message, mxid)
portal.log.Debugln("Handled message", message.GetKey().GetId(), "->", mxid)
func (portal *Portal) SyncParticipants(metadata *whatsappExt.GroupInfo) {
changed := false
levels, err := portal.MainIntent().PowerLevels(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
levels = portal.GetBasePowerLevels()
changed = true
for _, participant := range metadata.Participants {
user := portal.bridge.GetUserByJID(participant.JID)
if user != nil && !portal.bridge.AS.StateStore.IsInvited(portal.MXID, user.MXID) {
_, err = portal.MainIntent().InviteUser(portal.MXID, &mautrix.ReqInviteUser{
UserID: user.MXID,
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to invite %s to %s: %v", user.MXID, portal.MXID, err)
puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(participant.JID)
err := puppet.IntentFor(portal).EnsureJoined(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to make puppet of %s join %s: %v", participant.JID, portal.MXID, err)
expectedLevel := 0
if participant.IsSuperAdmin {
expectedLevel = 95
} else if participant.IsAdmin {
expectedLevel = 50
changed = levels.EnsureUserLevel(puppet.MXID, expectedLevel) || changed
if user != nil {
changed = levels.EnsureUserLevel(user.MXID, expectedLevel) || changed
if changed {
_, err = portal.MainIntent().SetPowerLevels(portal.MXID, levels)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to change power levels:", err)
func (portal *Portal) UpdateAvatar(user *User, avatar *whatsappExt.ProfilePicInfo) bool {
if avatar == nil {
var err error
avatar, err = user.Conn.GetProfilePicThumb(portal.Key.JID)
if err != nil {
return false
if avatar.Status != 0 {
return false
if portal.Avatar == avatar.Tag {
return false
data, err := avatar.DownloadBytes()
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnln("Failed to download avatar:", err)
return false
mimeType := http.DetectContentType(data)
resp, err := portal.MainIntent().UploadBytes(data, mimeType)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnln("Failed to upload avatar:", err)
return false
portal.AvatarURL = resp.ContentURI
if len(portal.MXID) > 0 {
_, err = portal.MainIntent().SetRoomAvatar(portal.MXID, resp.ContentURI)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnln("Failed to set room topic:", err)
return false
portal.Avatar = avatar.Tag
return true
func (portal *Portal) UpdateName(name string, setBy types.WhatsAppID) bool {
if portal.Name != name {
intent := portal.MainIntent()
if len(setBy) > 0 {
intent = portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(setBy).IntentFor(portal)
_, err := intent.SetRoomName(portal.MXID, name)
if err == nil {
portal.Name = name
return true
portal.log.Warnln("Failed to set room name:", err)
return false
func (portal *Portal) UpdateTopic(topic string, setBy types.WhatsAppID) bool {
if portal.Topic != topic {
intent := portal.MainIntent()
if len(setBy) > 0 {
intent = portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(setBy).IntentFor(portal)
_, err := intent.SetRoomTopic(portal.MXID, topic)
if err == nil {
portal.Topic = topic
return true
portal.log.Warnln("Failed to set room topic:", err)
return false
func (portal *Portal) UpdateMetadata(user *User) bool {
if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
return false
} else if portal.IsStatusBroadcastRoom() {
update := false
update = portal.UpdateName("WhatsApp Status Broadcast", "") || update
update = portal.UpdateTopic("WhatsApp status updates from your contacts", "") || update
return update
metadata, err := user.Conn.GetGroupMetaData(portal.Key.JID)
if err != nil {
return false
if metadata.Status != 0 {
// 401: access denied
// 404: group does (no longer) exist
// 500: ??? happens with status@broadcast
// TODO: update the room, e.g. change priority level
// to send messages to moderator
return false
update := false
update = portal.UpdateName(metadata.Name, metadata.NameSetBy) || update
update = portal.UpdateTopic(metadata.Topic, metadata.TopicSetBy) || update
return update
func (portal *Portal) ensureUserInvited(user *User) {
err := portal.MainIntent().EnsureInvited(portal.MXID, user.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to ensure %s is invited to %s: %v", user.MXID, portal.MXID, err)
customPuppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByCustomMXID(user.MXID)
if customPuppet != nil && customPuppet.CustomIntent() != nil {
_ = customPuppet.CustomIntent().EnsureJoined(portal.MXID)
func (portal *Portal) Sync(user *User, contact whatsapp.Contact) {
portal.log.Infoln("Syncing portal for", user.MXID)
if len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
if !portal.IsPrivateChat() {
portal.Name = contact.Name
err := portal.CreateMatrixRoom(user)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to create portal room:", err)
} else {
if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
update := false
update = portal.UpdateMetadata(user) || update
if !portal.IsStatusBroadcastRoom() {
update = portal.UpdateAvatar(user, nil) || update
if update {
func (portal *Portal) GetBasePowerLevels() *mautrix.PowerLevels {
anyone := 0
nope := 99
invite := 99
if portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.AllowUserInvite {
invite = 0
return &mautrix.PowerLevels{
UsersDefault: anyone,
EventsDefault: anyone,
RedactPtr: &anyone,
StateDefaultPtr: &nope,
BanPtr: &nope,
InvitePtr: &invite,
Users: map[string]int{
portal.MainIntent().UserID: 100,
Events: map[string]int{
mautrix.StateRoomName.Type: anyone,
mautrix.StateRoomAvatar.Type: anyone,
mautrix.StateTopic.Type: anyone,
func (portal *Portal) ChangeAdminStatus(jids []string, setAdmin bool) {
levels, err := portal.MainIntent().PowerLevels(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
levels = portal.GetBasePowerLevels()
newLevel := 0
if setAdmin {
newLevel = 50
changed := false
for _, jid := range jids {
puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(jid)
changed = levels.EnsureUserLevel(puppet.MXID, newLevel) || changed
user := portal.bridge.GetUserByJID(jid)
if user != nil {
changed = levels.EnsureUserLevel(user.MXID, newLevel) || changed
if changed {
_, err = portal.MainIntent().SetPowerLevels(portal.MXID, levels)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to change power levels:", err)
func (portal *Portal) RestrictMessageSending(restrict bool) {
levels, err := portal.MainIntent().PowerLevels(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
levels = portal.GetBasePowerLevels()
if restrict {
levels.EventsDefault = 50
} else {
levels.EventsDefault = 0
_, err = portal.MainIntent().SetPowerLevels(portal.MXID, levels)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to change power levels:", err)
func (portal *Portal) RestrictMetadataChanges(restrict bool) {
levels, err := portal.MainIntent().PowerLevels(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
levels = portal.GetBasePowerLevels()
newLevel := 0
if restrict {
newLevel = 50
changed := false
changed = levels.EnsureEventLevel(mautrix.StateRoomName, newLevel) || changed
changed = levels.EnsureEventLevel(mautrix.StateRoomAvatar, newLevel) || changed
changed = levels.EnsureEventLevel(mautrix.StateTopic, newLevel) || changed
if changed {
_, err = portal.MainIntent().SetPowerLevels(portal.MXID, levels)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to change power levels:", err)
func (portal *Portal) BackfillHistory(user *User, lastMessageTime uint64) error {
if !portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.RecoverHistory {
return nil
endBackfill := portal.beginBackfill()
defer endBackfill()
lastMessage := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetLastInChat(portal.Key)
if lastMessage == nil {
return nil
if lastMessage.Timestamp >= lastMessageTime {
portal.log.Debugln("Not backfilling: no new messages")
return nil
lastMessageID := lastMessage.JID
lastMessageFromMe := lastMessage.Sender == user.JID
portal.log.Infoln("Backfilling history since", lastMessageID, "for", user.MXID)
for len(lastMessageID) > 0 {
portal.log.Debugln("Backfilling history: 50 messages after", lastMessageID)
resp, err := user.Conn.LoadMessagesAfter(portal.Key.JID, lastMessageID, lastMessageFromMe, 50)
if err != nil {
return err
messages, ok := resp.Content.([]interface{})
if !ok || len(messages) == 0 {
portal.handleHistory(user, messages)
lastMessageProto, ok := messages[len(messages)-1].(*waProto.WebMessageInfo)
if ok {
lastMessageID = lastMessageProto.GetKey().GetId()
lastMessageFromMe = lastMessageProto.GetKey().GetFromMe()
portal.log.Infoln("Backfilling finished")
return nil
func (portal *Portal) beginBackfill() func() {
portal.backfilling = true
var privateChatPuppetInvited bool
var privateChatPuppet *Puppet
if portal.IsPrivateChat() && portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.InviteOwnPuppetForBackfilling {
privateChatPuppet = portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(portal.Key.Receiver)
portal.privateChatBackfillInvitePuppet = func() {
if privateChatPuppetInvited {
privateChatPuppetInvited = true
_, _ = portal.MainIntent().InviteUser(portal.MXID, &mautrix.ReqInviteUser{UserID: privateChatPuppet.MXID})
_ = privateChatPuppet.DefaultIntent().EnsureJoined(portal.MXID)
return func() {
portal.backfilling = false
portal.privateChatBackfillInvitePuppet = nil
if privateChatPuppet != nil && privateChatPuppetInvited {
_, _ = privateChatPuppet.DefaultIntent().LeaveRoom(portal.MXID)
func (portal *Portal) FillInitialHistory(user *User) error {
if portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.InitialHistoryFill == 0 {
return nil
endBackfill := portal.beginBackfill()
defer endBackfill()
if portal.privateChatBackfillInvitePuppet != nil {
n := portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.InitialHistoryFill
portal.log.Infoln("Filling initial history, maximum", n, "messages")
var messages []interface{}
before := ""
fromMe := true
chunkNum := 1
for n > 0 {
count := 50
if n < count {
count = n
portal.log.Debugfln("Fetching chunk %d (%d messages / %d cap) before message %s", chunkNum, count, n, before)
resp, err := user.Conn.LoadMessagesBefore(portal.Key.JID, before, fromMe, count)
if err != nil {
return err
chunk, ok := resp.Content.([]interface{})
if !ok || len(chunk) == 0 {
portal.log.Infoln("Chunk empty, starting handling of loaded messages")
messages = append(chunk, messages...)
portal.log.Debugfln("Fetched chunk and received %d messages", len(chunk))
n -= len(chunk)
key := chunk[0].(*waProto.WebMessageInfo).GetKey()
before = key.GetId()
fromMe = key.GetFromMe()
if len(before) == 0 {
portal.log.Infoln("No message ID for first message, starting handling of loaded messages")
portal.handleHistory(user, messages)
portal.log.Infoln("Initial history fill complete")
return nil
func (portal *Portal) handleHistory(user *User, messages []interface{}) {
portal.log.Infoln("Handling", len(messages), "messages of history")
for _, rawMessage := range messages {
message, ok := rawMessage.(*waProto.WebMessageInfo)
if !ok {
portal.log.Warnln("Unexpected non-WebMessageInfo item in history response:", rawMessage)
data := whatsapp.ParseProtoMessage(message)
if data == nil {
portal.log.Warnln("Message", message.GetKey().GetId(), "failed to parse during backfilling")
if portal.privateChatBackfillInvitePuppet != nil && message.GetKey().GetFromMe() && portal.IsPrivateChat() {
portal.handleMessage(PortalMessage{portal.Key.JID, user, data, message.GetMessageTimestamp()})
func (portal *Portal) CreateMatrixRoom(user *User) error {
defer portal.roomCreateLock.Unlock()
if len(portal.MXID) > 0 {
return nil
intent := portal.MainIntent()
if err := intent.EnsureRegistered(); err != nil {
return err
portal.log.Infoln("Creating Matrix room. Info source:", user.MXID)
var metadata *whatsappExt.GroupInfo
isPrivateChat := false
if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(portal.Key.JID)
if portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.PrivateChatPortalMeta {
portal.Name = puppet.Displayname
portal.AvatarURL = puppet.AvatarURL
portal.Avatar = puppet.Avatar
} else {
portal.Name = ""
portal.Topic = "WhatsApp private chat"
isPrivateChat = true
} else if portal.IsStatusBroadcastRoom() {
portal.Name = "WhatsApp Status Broadcast"
portal.Topic = "WhatsApp status updates from your contacts"
} else {
var err error
metadata, err = user.Conn.GetGroupMetaData(portal.Key.JID)
if err == nil && metadata.Status == 0 {
portal.Name = metadata.Name
portal.Topic = metadata.Topic
portal.UpdateAvatar(user, nil)
initialState := []*mautrix.Event{{
Type: mautrix.StatePowerLevels,
Content: mautrix.Content{
PowerLevels: portal.GetBasePowerLevels(),
if len(portal.AvatarURL) > 0 {
initialState = append(initialState, &mautrix.Event{
Type: mautrix.StateRoomAvatar,
Content: mautrix.Content{
URL: portal.AvatarURL,
resp, err := intent.CreateRoom(&mautrix.ReqCreateRoom{
Visibility: "private",
Name: portal.Name,
Topic: portal.Topic,
Invite: []string{user.MXID},
Preset: "private_chat",
IsDirect: isPrivateChat,
InitialState: initialState,
if err != nil {
return err
portal.MXID = resp.RoomID
if metadata != nil {
} else {
customPuppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByCustomMXID(user.MXID)
if customPuppet != nil && customPuppet.CustomIntent() != nil {
_ = customPuppet.CustomIntent().EnsureJoined(portal.MXID)
err = portal.FillInitialHistory(user)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to fill history:", err)
return nil
func (portal *Portal) IsPrivateChat() bool {
if portal.isPrivate == nil {
val := strings.HasSuffix(portal.Key.JID, whatsappExt.NewUserSuffix)
portal.isPrivate = &val
return *portal.isPrivate
func (portal *Portal) IsStatusBroadcastRoom() bool {
return portal.Key.JID == "status@broadcast"
func (portal *Portal) MainIntent() *appservice.IntentAPI {
if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
return portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(portal.Key.JID).DefaultIntent()
return portal.bridge.Bot
func (portal *Portal) GetMessageIntent(user *User, info whatsapp.MessageInfo) *appservice.IntentAPI {
if info.FromMe {
return portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(user.JID).IntentFor(portal)
} else if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
return portal.MainIntent()
} else if len(info.SenderJid) == 0 {
if len(info.Source.GetParticipant()) != 0 {
info.SenderJid = info.Source.GetParticipant()
} else {
return nil
return portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(info.SenderJid).IntentFor(portal)
func (portal *Portal) SetReply(content *mautrix.Content, info whatsapp.MessageInfo) {
if len(info.QuotedMessageID) == 0 {
message := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByJID(portal.Key, info.QuotedMessageID)
if message != nil {
event, err := portal.MainIntent().GetEvent(portal.MXID, message.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnln("Failed to get reply target:", err)
func (portal *Portal) HandleMessageRevoke(user *User, message whatsappExt.MessageRevocation) {
msg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByJID(portal.Key, message.Id)
if msg == nil {
var intent *appservice.IntentAPI
if message.FromMe {
if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
intent = portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(user.JID).CustomIntent()
} else {
intent = portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(user.JID).IntentFor(portal)
} else if len(message.Participant) > 0 {
intent = portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(message.Participant).IntentFor(portal)
if intent == nil {
intent = portal.MainIntent()
_, err := intent.RedactEvent(portal.MXID, msg.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to redact %s: %v", msg.JID, err)
func (portal *Portal) HandleFakeMessage(source *User, message FakeMessage) {
if portal.isRecentlyHandled(message.ID) {
_, err := portal.MainIntent().SendNotice(portal.MXID, message.Text)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to handle fake message %s: %v", message.ID, err)
index := portal.recentlyHandledIndex
portal.recentlyHandledIndex = (portal.recentlyHandledIndex + 1) % recentlyHandledLength
portal.recentlyHandled[index] = message.ID
type MessageContent struct {
IsCustomPuppet bool `json:"net.maunium.whatsapp.puppet,omitempty"`
func (portal *Portal) HandleTextMessage(source *User, message whatsapp.TextMessage) {
if !portal.startHandling(message.Info) {
intent := portal.GetMessageIntent(source, message.Info)
if intent == nil {
content := &mautrix.Content{
Body: message.Text,
MsgType: mautrix.MsgText,
portal.SetReply(content, message.Info)
_, _ = intent.UserTyping(portal.MXID, false, 0)
resp, err := intent.SendMassagedMessageEvent(portal.MXID, mautrix.EventMessage, &MessageContent{content, intent.IsCustomPuppet}, int64(message.Info.Timestamp*1000))
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to handle message %s: %v", message.Info.Id, err)
portal.finishHandling(source, message.Info.Source, resp.EventID)
func (portal *Portal) HandleMediaMessage(source *User, download func() ([]byte, error), thumbnail []byte, info whatsapp.MessageInfo, mimeType, caption string, sendAsSticker bool) {
if !portal.startHandling(info) {
intent := portal.GetMessageIntent(source, info)
if intent == nil {
data, err := download()
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to download media for %s: %v", info.Id, err)
resp, err := portal.MainIntent().SendNotice(portal.MXID, "Failed to bridge media")
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to send media download error message for %s: %v", info.Id, err)
} else {
portal.finishHandling(source, info.Source, resp.EventID)
// WhatsApp sends incorrect mime types 3:<
if detected := http.DetectContentType(data); detected != "application/octet-stream" {
mimeType = detected
// synapse doesn't handle webp well, so we convert it. This can be dropped once https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/4382 is fixed
if mimeType == "image/webp" {
img, err := webp.Decode(bytes.NewReader(data))
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to decode media for %s: %v", err)
var buf bytes.Buffer
err = png.Encode(&buf, img)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to convert media for %s: %v", err)
data = buf.Bytes()
mimeType = "image/png"
uploaded, err := intent.UploadBytes(data, mimeType)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to upload media for %s: %v", err)
fileName := info.Id
exts, _ := mime.ExtensionsByType(mimeType)
if exts != nil && len(exts) > 0 {
fileName += exts[0]
content := &mautrix.Content{
Body: fileName,
URL: uploaded.ContentURI,
Info: &mautrix.FileInfo{
Size: len(data),
MimeType: mimeType,
portal.SetReply(content, info)
if thumbnail != nil {
thumbnailMime := http.DetectContentType(thumbnail)
uploadedThumbnail, _ := intent.UploadBytes(thumbnail, thumbnailMime)
if uploadedThumbnail != nil {
content.Info.ThumbnailURL = uploadedThumbnail.ContentURI
cfg, _, _ := image.DecodeConfig(bytes.NewReader(data))
content.Info.ThumbnailInfo = &mautrix.FileInfo{
Size: len(thumbnail),
Width: cfg.Width,
Height: cfg.Height,
MimeType: thumbnailMime,
switch strings.ToLower(strings.Split(mimeType, "/")[0]) {
case "image":
if (!sendAsSticker) {
content.MsgType = mautrix.MsgImage
cfg, _, _ := image.DecodeConfig(bytes.NewReader(data))
content.Info.Width = cfg.Width
content.Info.Height = cfg.Height
case "video":
content.MsgType = mautrix.MsgVideo
case "audio":
content.MsgType = mautrix.MsgAudio
content.MsgType = mautrix.MsgFile
_, _ = intent.UserTyping(portal.MXID, false, 0)
ts := int64(info.Timestamp * 1000)
eventType := mautrix.EventMessage
if sendAsSticker {
eventType = mautrix.EventSticker
resp, err := intent.SendMassagedMessageEvent(portal.MXID, eventType, &MessageContent{content, intent.IsCustomPuppet}, ts)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to handle message %s: %v", info.Id, err)
if len(caption) > 0 {
captionContent := &mautrix.Content{
Body: caption,
MsgType: mautrix.MsgNotice,
_, err := intent.SendMassagedMessageEvent(portal.MXID, mautrix.EventMessage, &MessageContent{captionContent, intent.IsCustomPuppet}, ts)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to handle caption of message %s: %v", info.Id, err)
// TODO store caption mxid?
portal.finishHandling(source, info.Source, resp.EventID)
func makeMessageID() *string {
b := make([]byte, 10)
str := strings.ToUpper(hex.EncodeToString(b))
return &str
func (portal *Portal) downloadThumbnail(evt *mautrix.Event) []byte {
if evt.Content.Info == nil || len(evt.Content.Info.ThumbnailURL) == 0 {
return nil
thumbnail, err := portal.MainIntent().DownloadBytes(evt.Content.Info.ThumbnailURL)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to download thumbnail in %s: %v", evt.ID, err)
return nil
thumbnailType := http.DetectContentType(thumbnail)
var img image.Image
switch thumbnailType {
case "image/png":
img, err = png.Decode(bytes.NewReader(thumbnail))
case "image/gif":
img, err = gif.Decode(bytes.NewReader(thumbnail))
case "image/jpeg":
return thumbnail
return nil
var buf bytes.Buffer
err = jpeg.Encode(&buf, img, &jpeg.Options{
Quality: jpeg.DefaultQuality,
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to re-encode thumbnail in %s: %v", evt.ID, err)
return nil
return buf.Bytes()
func (portal *Portal) preprocessMatrixMedia(sender *User, evt *mautrix.Event, mediaType whatsapp.MediaType) *MediaUpload {
if evt.Content.Info == nil {
evt.Content.Info = &mautrix.FileInfo{}
caption := evt.Content.Body
exts, err := mime.ExtensionsByType(evt.Content.Info.MimeType)
for _, ext := range exts {
if strings.HasSuffix(caption, ext) {
caption = ""
content, err := portal.MainIntent().DownloadBytes(evt.Content.URL)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to download media in %s: %v", evt.ID, err)
return nil
url, mediaKey, fileEncSHA256, fileSHA256, fileLength, err := sender.Conn.Upload(bytes.NewReader(content), mediaType)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to upload media in %s: %v", evt.ID, err)
return nil
return &MediaUpload{
Caption: caption,
URL: url,
MediaKey: mediaKey,
FileEncSHA256: fileEncSHA256,
FileSHA256: fileSHA256,
FileLength: fileLength,
Thumbnail: portal.downloadThumbnail(evt),
type MediaUpload struct {
Caption string
URL string
MediaKey []byte
FileEncSHA256 []byte
FileSHA256 []byte
FileLength uint64
Thumbnail []byte
func (portal *Portal) sendMatrixConnectionError(sender *User, eventID string) bool {
if !sender.HasSession() {
portal.log.Debugln("Ignoring event", eventID, "from", sender.MXID, "as user has no session")
return true
} else if !sender.IsConnected() {
portal.log.Debugln("Ignoring event", eventID, "from", sender.MXID, "as user is not connected")
inRoom := ""
if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
inRoom = " in your management room"
reconnect := fmt.Sprintf("Use `%s reconnect`%s to reconnect.", portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.CommandPrefix, inRoom)
if sender.IsLoginInProgress() {
reconnect = "You have a login attempt in progress, please wait."
msg := format.RenderMarkdown("\u26a0 You are not connected to WhatsApp, so your message was not bridged. " + reconnect)
msg.MsgType = mautrix.MsgNotice
_, err := portal.MainIntent().SendMessageEvent(portal.MXID, mautrix.EventMessage, msg)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to send bridging failure message:", err)
return true
return false
func (portal *Portal) HandleMatrixMessage(sender *User, evt *mautrix.Event) {
if portal.IsPrivateChat() && sender.JID != portal.Key.Receiver {
} else if portal.sendMatrixConnectionError(sender, evt.ID) {
portal.log.Debugfln("Received event %s", evt.ID)
ts := uint64(evt.Timestamp / 1000)
status := waProto.WebMessageInfo_ERROR
fromMe := true
info := &waProto.WebMessageInfo{
Key: &waProto.MessageKey{
FromMe: &fromMe,
Id: makeMessageID(),
RemoteJid: &portal.Key.JID,
MessageTimestamp: &ts,
Message: &waProto.Message{},
Status: &status,
ctxInfo := &waProto.ContextInfo{}
replyToID := evt.Content.GetReplyTo()
if len(replyToID) > 0 {
msg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByMXID(replyToID)
if msg != nil && msg.Content != nil {
ctxInfo.StanzaId = &msg.JID
ctxInfo.Participant = &msg.Sender
ctxInfo.QuotedMessage = msg.Content
var err error
switch evt.Content.MsgType {
case mautrix.MsgText, mautrix.MsgEmote:
text := evt.Content.Body
if evt.Content.Format == mautrix.FormatHTML {
text = portal.bridge.Formatter.ParseMatrix(evt.Content.FormattedBody)
if evt.Content.MsgType == mautrix.MsgEmote {
text = "/me " + text
ctxInfo.MentionedJid = mentionRegex.FindAllString(text, -1)
for index, mention := range ctxInfo.MentionedJid {
ctxInfo.MentionedJid[index] = mention[1:] + whatsappExt.NewUserSuffix
if ctxInfo.StanzaId != nil || ctxInfo.MentionedJid != nil {
info.Message.ExtendedTextMessage = &waProto.ExtendedTextMessage{
Text: &text,
ContextInfo: ctxInfo,
} else {
info.Message.Conversation = &text
case mautrix.MsgImage:
media := portal.preprocessMatrixMedia(sender, evt, whatsapp.MediaImage)
if media == nil {
info.Message.ImageMessage = &waProto.ImageMessage{
Caption: &media.Caption,
JpegThumbnail: media.Thumbnail,
Url: &media.URL,
MediaKey: media.MediaKey,
Mimetype: &evt.Content.GetInfo().MimeType,
FileEncSha256: media.FileEncSHA256,
FileSha256: media.FileSHA256,
FileLength: &media.FileLength,
case mautrix.MsgVideo:
media := portal.preprocessMatrixMedia(sender, evt, whatsapp.MediaVideo)
if media == nil {
duration := uint32(evt.Content.GetInfo().Duration)
info.Message.VideoMessage = &waProto.VideoMessage{
Caption: &media.Caption,
JpegThumbnail: media.Thumbnail,
Url: &media.URL,
MediaKey: media.MediaKey,
Mimetype: &evt.Content.GetInfo().MimeType,
Seconds: &duration,
FileEncSha256: media.FileEncSHA256,
FileSha256: media.FileSHA256,
FileLength: &media.FileLength,
case mautrix.MsgAudio:
media := portal.preprocessMatrixMedia(sender, evt, whatsapp.MediaAudio)
if media == nil {
duration := uint32(evt.Content.GetInfo().Duration)
info.Message.AudioMessage = &waProto.AudioMessage{
Url: &media.URL,
MediaKey: media.MediaKey,
Mimetype: &evt.Content.GetInfo().MimeType,
Seconds: &duration,
FileEncSha256: media.FileEncSHA256,
FileSha256: media.FileSHA256,
FileLength: &media.FileLength,
case mautrix.MsgFile:
media := portal.preprocessMatrixMedia(sender, evt, whatsapp.MediaDocument)
if media == nil {
info.Message.DocumentMessage = &waProto.DocumentMessage{
Url: &media.URL,
MediaKey: media.MediaKey,
Mimetype: &evt.Content.GetInfo().MimeType,
FileEncSha256: media.FileEncSHA256,
FileSha256: media.FileSHA256,
FileLength: &media.FileLength,
portal.log.Debugln("Unhandled Matrix event:", evt)
portal.markHandled(sender, info, evt.ID)
portal.log.Debugln("Sending event", evt.ID, "to WhatsApp")
_, err = sender.Conn.Send(info)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Error handling Matrix event %s: %v", evt.ID, err)
msg := format.RenderMarkdown(fmt.Sprintf("\u26a0 Your message may not have been bridged: %v", err))
msg.MsgType = mautrix.MsgNotice
_, err := portal.MainIntent().SendMessageEvent(portal.MXID, mautrix.EventMessage, msg)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to send bridging failure message:", err)
} else {
portal.log.Debugln("Handled Matrix event:", evt)
func (portal *Portal) HandleMatrixRedaction(sender *User, evt *mautrix.Event) {
if portal.IsPrivateChat() && sender.JID != portal.Key.Receiver {
msg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByMXID(evt.Redacts)
if msg == nil || msg.Sender != sender.JID {
ts := uint64(evt.Timestamp / 1000)
status := waProto.WebMessageInfo_PENDING
protoMsgType := waProto.ProtocolMessage_REVOKE
fromMe := true
info := &waProto.WebMessageInfo{
Key: &waProto.MessageKey{
FromMe: &fromMe,
Id: makeMessageID(),
RemoteJid: &portal.Key.JID,
MessageTimestamp: &ts,
Message: &waProto.Message{
ProtocolMessage: &waProto.ProtocolMessage{
Type: &protoMsgType,
Key: &waProto.MessageKey{
FromMe: &fromMe,
Id: &msg.JID,
RemoteJid: &portal.Key.JID,
Status: &status,
_, err := sender.Conn.Send(info)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Error handling Matrix redaction: %s: %v", evt.ID, err)
} else {
portal.log.Debugln("Handled Matrix redaction:", evt)
func (portal *Portal) Delete() {
delete(portal.bridge.portalsByJID, portal.Key)
if len(portal.MXID) > 0 {
delete(portal.bridge.portalsByMXID, portal.MXID)
func (portal *Portal) Cleanup(puppetsOnly bool) {
if len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
_, err := portal.MainIntent().LeaveRoom(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnln("Failed to leave private chat portal with main intent:", err)
intent := portal.MainIntent()
members, err := intent.JoinedMembers(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to get portal members for cleanup:", err)
for member, _ := range members.Joined {
if member == intent.UserID {
puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByMXID(member)
if puppet != nil {
_, err = puppet.DefaultIntent().LeaveRoom(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Error leaving as puppet while cleaning up portal:", err)
} else if !puppetsOnly {
_, err = intent.KickUser(portal.MXID, &mautrix.ReqKickUser{UserID: member, Reason: "Deleting portal"})
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Error kicking user while cleaning up portal:", err)
_, err = intent.LeaveRoom(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Error leaving with main intent while cleaning up portal:", err)
func (portal *Portal) HandleMatrixLeave(sender *User) {
if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
portal.log.Debugln("User left private chat portal, cleaning up and deleting...")
func (portal *Portal) HandleMatrixKick(sender *User, event *mautrix.Event) {